Transit Grenoble, map and next bus.
With TAG Live , carry the timetables of your next trams and buses in your pocket! Browse the TAG network map and discover the stations near you. Now control your journeys and never miss your connections! Grenoble's public transport will no longer hold any secrets for you.
The search tool allows you to better see where the stops are located, and makes your travels easier.
Are you arriving at a station? Don't waste time looking for it, just click on the 'My station' button and the times will be displayed directly live thanks to GPS location!
* This unofficial application uses information provided by TAG on the mobitrans website and is used for information purposes only. Users are required to be at the stops 5 minutes before the indicated passage.
The non-functioning of the Mobitrans service is not our responsibility and may result in unavailability of schedules or longer loading times.
Please note, TAG Live is designed to run on the official Android OS. If you use alternative systems (mods) such as Cyanogen, you expose yourself to malfunctions related to your system.
Service news on
V 2.2.2:
Bug fix preventing launch under Samsung and Wiko phones.
Performance optimization when opening the map.
Update lines 19, 43, 56, 61, 63 and 69.
Added lines 40-69.
Fix for Proximo loading problem.
New tram, chrono, proximo lines.
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